COVID-19 – Operational Update 24th March 2020

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Following yesterday’s announcements by the Prime Minister, the team at Tecalemit has reviewed our scope of activity to protect our supply chain staff. The decision has been taken to cease field-based activities from today.

Engineer Attendance

Monday, 23rd March, was the last day that Tecalemit Engineers could attend the site to undertake installations, repairs, preventative maintenance, and calibrations.

Installations that have already commenced and are not finished by 24th March will be ‘frozen’ until restrictions are removed.

Preventive Maintenance visits that are already scheduled from 24 March onwards will be postponed; they will be rescheduled when restrictions are lifted.

Equipment Breakdowns cannot be progressed until after the ‘restrictions to movement’ have been lifted. This applies to equipment that is under warranty and outside of warranty. Any issues of equipment failing within warranty must still be logged with our service office via email – [email protected] We will then process this as appropriate when restrictions are lifted in the order the calls have been received.

DVSA Equipment Calibrations that are already scheduled and due after March 24th will be rescheduled. We are working with the DVSA via the GEA to determine how to deal with DVSA MOT Equipment that ‘locks out’ if it is not calibrated on the required date.

Field Sales Operations

All of the Tecalemit field Sales Team are available to help with product enquiries but will not be able to conduct site visits at this time. Some businesses may turn their attention to future equipment needs and start asking distributors for prices and specifications. We will also continue to process and issue quotations and produce ‘indicative layouts’ for MOT Equipment.

Tecalemit and its staff would like to thank you for your continued support during these restricted measures, we understand it may also be challenging for yourselves and any assistance we can provide will be done to the best of our ability.